All Posts from 2020

This article was originally published on the Soybean Research & Information Network, a checkoff funded website.

Controlling weeds like herbicide-resistant waterhemp and other pigweed species is a serious economic challenge for soybean farmers. Rather than wait until all...

This webinar will focus on season-long insect pest management in soybeans. We will discuss biology, damage potential and management tactics for dectes stem borer, stink bugs and defoliating insects.

1 CEU in Integrated Pest Management

Presenter: Nick Seiter, Research Assistant Professor, Field Crop Entomology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Nick Seiter is a Research Assistant Professor of Field...

This article was originally published in the May issue of Soy Perspectives magazine.

Meet Brock Willard.

He’s a soybean, corn and hog farmer that operates with his grandfather and uncle outside of Griggsville, Ill. He’s also one of the Illinois Soybean Association’s (ISA) Soy Ambassadors, a leadership program sponsored by ISA checkoff and...

Soybeans are amazing plants. Unlike our other major crop in Illinois, they’re not as cut and dried which is usually a good thing. Have a planter skip or early sprayer pass run over one or two plants across the row? Soybeans will bush out, add branches with extra nodes and pods, and use all those extra resources giving up no yield.

When it comes to nitrogen, soybeans keep that same approach of soaking up all of those extra resources...

So far 2020 has brought Illinois agriculture several challenges that could impact the quality of a viable soybean stand. When making replant decisions, it’s important to understand what happened. In some fields, it’s taking anywhere from six to almost 30 days for a soybean to emerge.

CCA Soy Envoy, Jason Haegele, joins the show as we dive into how soybean mangement decisions have shifted since the planting season began. Outside forces including the weather, market and COVID-19 may be reason for you to change your crop plan.

