All Posts from 2020

This article was originally published on the Soybean Research & Information Network, a checkoff funded website.

Stem Canker is a disease of soybean in the United States and Canada where infections occur primarily on the lower portion of the stem. Multiple fungi in the genus Diaporthe cause the disease. However,...

This article was originally published on the Soybean Research & Information Network, a checkoff funded website.

Phytophthora sojae is one of the most destructive soybean pathogens in the northern growing regions and a major cause of stand establishment problems. Seeds and seedlings can be infected...

Just like humans, crops are subject to stress caused by factors in their environment every day. And just like humans, if crops are stressed, they will not function and perform up to their maximum potential. In this webinar, we will gain an understanding of these factors that affect overall plant health, so that we can better understand why our crops perform the way that they do. We will also discuss plant health products that have the unique...

As the growing season gets underway, there are several insect pests that could be bugging your soybeans. While there is definitely a mixed bag of defoliators and pod feeders as you scout throughout the season, here are a few you might come across. 


The 2020 season has developed into a very challenging year—and that was before the planting and replanting issues. Earlier this season national and international demand for corn and soybeans slowed down drastically, which dropped the current CBOT future prices $0.70/b under what federal crop insurance set the spring price for. So over the next month the question will undoubtedly come up, with a late planted crop and low market values would...

This article was originally published on the Soybean Research & Information Network, a checkoff funded website.

Frogeye Leaf Spot (FLS) is the most important foliar disease of soybean, especially in the southern U.S. The disease has been occurring more frequently in northern soybean-growing areas and has increasingly...
