All Posts from January 2021

For years, corn has led in profitability, making corn-on-corn a top contender for many U.S. farmers. With soybeans rallying at the close of 2020, many farmers were left wondering: Would I make more profit in 2021 with soybeans on my undecided acres?

But crop prices aren't the only factor that determine profitability. Farmers must also consider potential yield penalties and increased expenses related to continuous cropping.


This article was originally published on the Cool Bean website by Dr. Shawn Conley and team.


Dr. Shawn P. Conley (Principal Co-Investigator) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Dr. Patricio Grassini (Principal Co-Investigator) University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE

OH Laura Lindsey

Ml Maninderpal Singh

IA Scott Nelson

ND Hans Kandel

MN Seth Naeve...

In an earlier blog post, we discussed how to set your business up for payroll. Once your business is setup for payroll, the next step is to figure and write the employee’s paycheck. This blog post will cover pay period options and how to calculate paychecks.

Pay Periods and Gross Wages...

Every day, more and more articles pop up in my news feed highlighting carbon as a potential revenue source for farmers. I admit, as a soil scientist my feed may be a bit biased, but news about farming practices that store soil carbon are no longer limited to scientists or conservation-minded farmers, soil carbon has infiltrated the mainstream. In fact, over the last few months, multiple articles have been published in the popular press...

This webinar will explore how Illinois farmers are using cover crops to strengthen their conservation cropping systems. Specific strategies for integrating cover crops with corn and soybean production practices that promote soil health, water quality and profitability while minimizing risk will be emphasized. 

Presenter: Joel Gruver, Associate Professor of Soil Science and Sustainable Ag, Western Illinois University

Dr. Gruver...

Once a soybean seed is placed into the soil, it is Mother Nature’s job to provide an opportunistic mouth to feed on it. Whether it is a bean leaf beetle feeding on the cotyledons or seedling disease such as Fusarium reducing the stand, let’s face it - Mother Nature does not care about cash rent rates or grain market values. That means it’s up to us to better understand how a soybean plant works and what the major items are that need strong...
