All Posts from March 2021

This blog was originally published to the Biodiesel Sustainability Now website.

In solving a puzzle, sometimes it’s the smallest pieces that can help complete the big picture. In the climate change puzzle, a once-underappreciated plant called pennycress just may prove...

The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation is a risk management tool used to mitigate financial losses to U.S. farmers. In 1996, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) was established to administer the Federal Crop Insurance Program. RMA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture that establishes policy and loss adjustment procedures. Private insurance companies deliver and service individual Federal Crop Insurance policies. Crop insurance can...

The North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) recently released its Annual Report which includes 2020 research project summaries. Projects this year covered topics such as sclerotonia stem rot, soybean cyst nematode resistance, soybean gall midge, sudden death syndrome, and more.

NCSRP is a farmer-led organization that invests soybean checkoff funds in university research and Extension programs to...

Since joining ISA as the Director of Conservation Agriculture in January, one area in particular of my responsibilities has been extremely active. The carbon market space that is currently under development changes weekly with new companies entering this space, and at first glance, it can be quite confusing. In this blog I hope to outline a series of questions that farmers can ask as they consider entering this market.

The basic...

Transitioning to agtech on the farm continues to be a significant change. Farmers are now expected to do more - they must know the best ways to manage erosion, be a truck driver, manage the books, and add on IT. Each of these jobs alone could be a full-time job, but as times evolve, the need for technology becomes critical for any operation. Here are five practical considerations when looking to implement agtech on your farm:


Farming is a business that is built on supply, demand, biology, and the environment. It is the greater understanding of these factors that influence decisions and profitability of a given farming operation. In many situations, farmers must weigh the risks and rewards before a decision can be made. In recent years, more producers have been planting soybeans earlier and before their corn crop. A corn plant is much more sensitive to...
