All Posts from March 2022

I am a family farmer in Bureau and Marshall County. Late night host David Letterman had a Top 10 countdown as a longtime popular segment on his show. My last name is Murphy, not Letterman, but here is my Top 10 Planter list for 2022.

Soil Preparation

Ignoring differences in all the available options of soil preparation, a couple planter attachments are most common across Illinois, row cleaners and no-till...

Early season drought issues across Southern Brazil (Mato Grosso Do Sul, Parana, and Rio Grande do Sul) robbed Brazil of a record setting soybean crop for the 2021-22 growing season. Stagnant high-pressure plus a lack of cold fronts moving north out of Argentina led to about 40% of Southern Brazil’s soybean growing area receiving less than 60% of normal rainfall through late January. The Parana River, which runs through Southern Brazil and...

Farmers make hundreds of decisions every year. Some of them are big and some are small. These decisions all affect the bottom line to differing degrees. Some of them have negligible fiscal repercussions, while some can mean the difference between profit and loss. In my recent Better Beans seminar, I discussed five decisions that farmers make when growing soybeans and their impact on profitability. These factors were planting date, seed...

Hello again everyone, and welcome to spring (almost). The temps are rising, and we’ve all changed our clocks so planting time will be here very soon. This is the fourth in a series of blog posts from NASS. The earlier blog posts were all about surveys and the statistics we publish from those projects. This time, I am writing about the 2022 Census of Agriculture. It’s coming this year and I urge everyone to respond.

Five years...

Resolution Realization

Photos taken before the smartphone era have significantly lower quality and resolution than what’s possible with the latest mobile devices. Modern smartphone cameras can capture extensive details that could never be seen from a pixelated flip phone camera. Similarly, you may have noticed this increase in resolution if you’ve ever switched soil sample grid size. By increasing your sample...

During this ILSoyAdvisor Webinar, Adam Kiel will provide an overview of carbon markets and take a deep dive into the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund. The Outcomes Fund was developed in 2019 by the Iowa Soybean Association in partnership with Quantified Ventures, an impact investment advisory firm. Over the past year, the Outcomes Fund has experienced growth tenfold and now operates in 10 states, including Illinois. The Outcomes Fund provides new...
