All Posts from September 2018

If you plant corn or soybeans you are either adding talc, graphite or Fluency Agent Advanced from Bayer Crop Science, as a lubricant. Talc is dusty, white, chalk-like material that poses a health risk if inhaled and graphite is a dusty, black, soot-like material—both are routinely available from your equipment...
This article was originally published July 24, 2018, in Successful Farming.
The Enlist weed-control system that features tolerance to 2,4-D choline is a go for cotton. Ditto for corn. Soybeans?
Well, all is a go for a widespread commercial U.S. launch except for a familiar sticking point that caused the system that includes tolerance to 2,4-D not to...
The 2019 season will provide soybean growers with some recently approved trait options as well as the potential for amendments to their current system. This topic has been a hot button at many meetings, coffee shops and roadside conversations. One thing is for sure, having options moving forward to combat weed resistance is a good thing.
We already have the dicamba-tolerant Xtend® trait. The dicamba...
With herbicide-resistant weeds becoming an increasingly challenging problem each year, effective weed control options are a must-have for farmers. The Enlist system, commercially available in corn and cotton, is an effective weed control tool. Though Enlist E3 soybeans aren’t yet available for commercial purchase, seed production continues in multiple locations, expanding genetic lines in a broad range of maturities...

Kris Reynolds, Midwest District Director with American Farmland Trust and 2018 CCA Soy Envoy, shares his insight on planting cover crops in the fall, species to consider, timing, planting windows across the state and a plan for the spring. 

Listen to the podcast here:



