All Posts from July 2020

Cody Pettit, CCA Soy Envoy and Pioneer field agronomist, joins the podcast this week to discuss soybean growth stages and how to protect pod fill during crucial time periods. We take a look at soybean growth stages, how to identify which growth stage your plant is in, and common pests and diseases that could negatively impact your soybean pod fill and ultimately yield. Listen to learn more.


As agronomists or producers, it’s our responsibility to understand how to properly manage a soybean crop for a given field’s conditions each season. Our goal should be to reduce as much stress to the soybean plant as we can, ultimately creating the right hormone balance. However, there are always situations that cause issues and for this we must continue to learn and develop on-farm trials to better understand how we should react when faced...
We know what happens when soybeans are planted in dry conditions, they simply cannot germinate. That has not been the case this past spring, but now we are looking at some hot weather in the forecast. This year’s planting conditions made for a slow start on soybeans and they are relatively shorter than what we are used too, so how will soybeans respond? 
Until recently we did not receive a lot of moisture in many...
I’m sure several people have seen ground applicators, planes and helicopters spraying fungicides on corn and soybean fields across Illinois. Usually the next few questions are typically, “I wonder why they are spraying?” “Should I be spraying?” “How much ROI could I get from this investment?”
For many years’ fungicides have been promoted in production agriculture incorrectly. They do not increase yield by five,...

This article was originally published on the Soybean Research & Information Network, a checkoff funded website.

Conservation biological control is protecting the natural enemies that are already present.

Provide food, water and shelter
Providing food, water, and shelter for natural...

If you have lived for very long in an area where soybeans are grown, you’ve likely passed more soybean plots than you care to count. Most people drive by them without a second thought. Most farmers even drive by them without giving them much thought, other than they’re a pretty product showcase for a seed company. They’re so common we take for granted what there is to learn from them. They take a fair amount of time for farmers, seed dealers...
