All Posts from 2020

The wheat crop in southern Illinois has been through a lot since last fall but has seemed to persevere, and the yield outlook is optimistically high. As we go back to last fall and think about planting conditions and fall growth/development, it was really a mixed bag with some of the earliest plantings doing well. Later plantings, however, suffered through a cold, wet November. Thankfully, the mild temperatures over the winter allowed the...
When Roundup Ready® soybeans were introduced, times were good. You could schedule your spray application from the calendar and not think twice about whether your fields were going to stay clean. Mother Nature has since prevailed, showing scientists who is boss and showing us what we’ve been taking for granted. In the perfect scenario you would see a weed-free field with an ideal spring, but that’s not so common anymore. We now...

The soybean industry can be complex and the challenges we face often require knowledge from teams of experts outside of our operations. When it comes to agronomic insight, I like to lean on fellow soybean buffs to help me find new ways to make my operation successful. Among my favorite resources are the CCA (Certified Crop Adviser) Soy Envoys.

The CCA Soy Envoy program, funded by the Illinois Soybean Association checkoff program,...

This article was originally published in the May issue of Soy Perspectives magazine.

Say Hello to New Information

The 2020 Soybean Summit drew a crowd of 260 soybean farmers, crop advisers and industry representatives at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield, Illinois, March 10. Industry experts shared agronomic practices...

Sudden death syndrome (SDS) is a soilborne fungal disease that historically has ranked within the top five most damaging diseases affecting soybeans in the northern United States and Ontario, Canada. In the United States and Canada, Fusarium virguliforme is the organism behind this disease. This fungus overwinters in fields within crop residue as resistant spores, allowing the pathogen to survive for multiple years in the absence of...

Just when we thought that 2020 would bring us better weather and planting conditions than 2019, Mother Nature continues to remind us that she is in control. Even though it feels like planting progress is behind, based off the NASS soybean planting report for Illinois roughly 59% of the soybean crop has been planted as of May 17, 2020, which is a big jump compared to 2019 or even the 5 year average on this date. 
