All Posts from July 2018

Look in the shopping cart or at the restaurant plate of today’s consumers. You’re likely to find more plant-based, protein-rich foods that promote health and make eating an experience. When consumers learn those foods fit their definition of sustainable production, even better.

While this is a shift from the meat-and-potatoes generation, soy is still part of the food equation. In fact, today’s food trends may open new doors for...

Soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) are one of the most detrimental pathogens of soybeans—they are considered the No. 1 yield-robbing pest for United State soybean farmers. Nematodes in general account for billions of dollars in crop loss worldwide each year. According to the United Soybean Board, SCN affects farmers in more than 30 states and causes an estimated loss of $1.5 billion worth of soybean production annually. A lot of this loss goes...

Todd Steinacher, CCA Soy Envoy and west-central Illinois regional agronomist with AgriGold, discusses early soybean development, flowering and pod formation, how to detect pod abortion and predict potential yield for harvest.

Listen to the podcast here:


To learn about new opportunities to double-crop soybeans and the latest best management practices available, plan to attend one of four 2-hour events. The short field tour will end with a meal.
The Illinois Soybean Association has been sponsoring the Yield Challenge since 2010. The contest allows growers to compete for the highest soybean yield and greatest yield gain. And many of the entrants are “going for 100” in an attempt to break the 100-bushel ceiling.
Every summer we showcase some of the practices that a few growers are using to reach 100 bushels or record a personal best. It is always exciting to...

Five years ago, an Illinois Soybean Association Yield Challenge sparked our interest as a retailer.  We were confident our growers could complete, if not win the side-by-side challenge.  This challenge meant the grower would have an untreated check area and compare it to an area of treated products of their choice, with the winner showing the best increase in yield between the two. We had two growers entered and won our district!  It was a...
