All Posts from February 2022

Investments in sustainable initiatives are becoming mainstream since long term resilience is a priority for the marketplace. Leaders not only have to focus on day-to-day operations, but also devise and monitor ways to protect critical resources. In agriculture, producers and consumers are moving towards a common goal of water, soil, and yield stewardship. Fortunately, new sustainability strategies and technologies appear in the market daily....

Conservation Reserve Program (Deadline March 11)

  • Farmers and landowners can sign up now through March 11 for General CRP to establish long-term, resource-conserving plant species such as approved grasses or trees to control soil erosion, improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat on cropland. From April 4 to May 13, growers can also enroll in Grassland CRP to help...

We all remember years when planting conditions were difficult due to excess moisture. Who could forget 2019, when it seemed the rain would never stop and many around the state and region dealt with delayed planting decisions? While we hope another year like 2019 never comes around again, it’s good to think ahead and plan for those “what if” scenarios.

A wet spring can be even more nerve-wracking if you planted an overwintering cover...