PODCAST: Fungicide Timing and Use in Production

Managing soybean diseases starts with knowing what to look for locally.

In this latest podcast, Beck’s Hybrids agronomist Chad Kalaher talks about soybean diseases that are common in Illinois and how to employ proper fungicide management.


In all of Illinois Septoria brown spot is tagged as the number 2 yield robber in soybeans. It progresses from the bottom of the plant and is a disease that soybean farmers should look out for. In addition, northern Illinois farmers should watch for white mold, while Southern Illinois farmers should watch for frogeye leaf spot.

It’s important to note that not all diseases come from fungi, but can instead be from bacteria and viruses. For example, soybean vein necrosis virus would not be controlled with a fungicide.

Kalaher notes that in choosing which fungicide to use, it’s important to be cognizant of rotating modes of action to avoid resistance.

“I liken it to herbicides,” Kalaher notes. “We need to use the proper chemistry.”

The timing and mixes of applications will depend on which diseases farmers are dealing with. If there are macro and micronutrient deficiencies, farmers may be able to address those at the same time as their fungicide application.

When it comes to foliar feeding, there are many great resources that focus on which nutrients plants can still utilize. Kalaher gives some resources that soybean farmers can use and who to contact if they are looking into this management tool.

Chad Kalaher is a CCA soy envoy for East Central Illinois. He is also an agronomist for Beck's Hybrids. He has a bachelor's degree in agronomy from the University of Illinois and a master's degree in weed science from North Carolina State University.

Chad Kalaher



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