All Posts by Nathan Kleczewski

Do not forget to assess fields for wireworm and white grubs before planting

April 11, 2022

Insect Management

Although some parts of Illinois have started to get beans in the ground, most of us are still waiting for soils to dry out and warm up. Something that should be on our radars in the week or two before planting are soilborne insect pests that may affect our soybeans.

Keep an eye out for red crown rot in Illinois soybeans in 2022

April 05, 2022

Disease Management

Some quick points on red crown rot in Illinois and how to identify it in your soybean fields.

Considerations for insecticides in a post chlorpyrifos world

December 27, 2021

Insect Management

Chlorpyrifos is an insecticide in the organophosphate (OP) (IRAC-1B) group that has been in use since 1965.

Identifying SDS and What Management Practices Pay

May 20, 2020

Disease Management

This article explains how to identify SDS and evaluates management practices and profitability.

Phytophthora in Illinois Soybean Production

February 17, 2020

Disease Management

The oomycete Phytophthora sojae, is a soil borne organism which is the predominant cause of Phytophthora root rot in soybeans. Believe it or not, P. sojae is fairly prevalent in Illinois, and under the correct conditions, this disease can result in reduced stands, blighted plants, or reduced productivity due to reduced nodulation resulting from infections.

What Effect Will Cold Temperatures Have on Pests and Pathogens?

February 14, 2019

Insect Management

Originally posted in the Bulletin.

Growing Wheat? Keep Fusarium Head Blight on Your Radar!

May 08, 2018

Disease Management

As a wheat grower, it’s important to know how to manage head scab.

SCN: The Soybean Nemesis

April 06, 2018

Insect Management

Are SCN causing hidden soybean yield losses on your farm today?