All Posts by Chad Kalaher

Foliar Feeding Soybeans

July 03, 2017

Nutrient Management

Retailers commonly promote foliar feeding soybeans. But before deciding on foliar feeding, understand these 10 myths vs. facts.

Has the Cool, Wet Weather This Spring Affected Soybean Nodulation?

June 02, 2017

Disease Management

How does cool, wet weather affect soybean nodulation?

Time to think about Brown Spot control

May 03, 2017

Disease Management

Septoria brown spot (SBS) is the second biggest disease threat to soybean yield after soybean cyst nematode.

Early-Planted Soybeans Prove to be Profitable

April 05, 2017

Planting Strategies

Have you ever considered planting soybeans at the same time as corn?

Understanding a Soil Test Report

February 24, 2017

Sustainability Practices

Understanding a soil test is an important element of farming and not as hard as you think.