Two Webinars Now in Plant Management Network Ed Center

Recordings of two live seminars co-hosted by The American Phytopathological Society (APS) and USDA's Office of Pest Management Policy are now featured in PMN's Education Center. These presentations cover cowpea mild mottle virus, which affects legumes, and zebra chip, a significant pest of potato. Both presentations are fully accessible 24/7.

PMN Launches Two Grant-funded Soybean Webcasts

Fungicide Resistance in the Cercospora Leaf Blight and Purple Seed Stain Pathogen of Soybean: Fungicide resistance in soybean production has been a growing concern, especially after the discovery of fungicide resistant strains of frogeye leaf spot, Cercospora leaf blight and purple seed stain. This presentation will help viewers identify Cercospora leaf blight, increase awareness of fungicide resistance issues, disease management, and fungicide resistance mitigation options.

A Role for Oomycete Biology in the Development of Disease Resistant Soybean: This presentation, accessible to scientists and practitioners alike, covers the role of oomycete biology in the development of disease resistant soybean. Phytophthora sojae, a potentially devastating oomycete pathogen and causal agent of soybean root and stem rot, is highlighted. Three USDA-NIFA funded projects using oomycete biology to improve resistance against soybean root and stem rot are also featured.

PMN provides solutions to build impact and usage of grant-funded outreach information, including webcasts, websites, promotional materials, and more. Writing a grant proposal with an outreach component? Contact Phil Bogdan at 651-994-3859 or to increase the impact and use of your grant-funded work.

Plant Management Center



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