All Posts by Jason Haegele

Are Your Crops Networking?

October 06, 2021

Nutrient Management

Chances are that you may have heard the term ‘mycorrhizal’ at some point in recent years, but do you understand what this means or how mycorrhizal fungi are different from other common fungi?

The Air You Breathe

August 31, 2021

Nutrient Management

In this article, we will take a closer look at how soil microbes participate in soil nitrogen cycling, and ultimately the movement of nitrogen from the atmosphere into forms that enable life on earth.

The Hidden World Beneath Your Feet

July 26, 2021

Nutrient Management

At first glance, soil looks rather uninteresting. Have you considered, however, that each teaspoon of soil contains billions of bacteria and countless other microscopic organisms?

Weed Control Using The Xtend Herbicide System

May 26, 2021

Weed Management

Dicamba tolerant (Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® and XtendFlex®) soybeans are not new, but the labels for approved dicamba formulations continue to evolve

PODCAST: High-Yielding Soybean Fertility Programs

May 06, 2021

Nutrient Management

CCA Soy Envoy, Jason Haegele, joins the show to discuss the components of a high-yielding soybean fertility program.

Planning For Hungry Soybean Plants

May 03, 2021

In-Season Agronomy, Nutrient Management, Planting Strategies

Planting season has begun and with it comes the anticipation of in-season crop management decisions.

Begin Controlling Weeds Now for 2021 Soybean Acres

October 18, 2020

Weed Management

As the 2020 crop is harvested and bare ground begins to reappear, winter annual weed species will emerge. Should you consider a fall herbicide application to get a jumpstart on the 2021 season?

Why Are My Soybeans Turning Yellow?

September 08, 2020

In-Season Agronomy

Soybean fields are starting to change colors across Illinois. Observing when fields begin to change color and unique patterns in the field can provide clues about natural crop development versus late season stress and disease pressure.

Fungicide Chemistry 101: What Do All of Those Terms and Chemical Names Mean?

August 15, 2020

Disease Management

Fungicides are an active area of development in the crop protection industry, and it can be overwhelming to understand the differences between active ingredients and how they work. Let’s take a minute and discuss some basics.

Is Your Soybean Crop Thirsty?

July 10, 2020

In-Season Agronomy

Water is a key determinant of soybean yield. As summer rainfall may be limiting in some parts of the Illinois this season, let’s review a few principles of a soybean plant’s use of water.
