Diagnostics: 2014 Soybean Seed Treatment and Foliar Trials Available Online

The purpose of the Ohio Soybean Seed Treatment and Foliar Trials are to evaluate soybean seed treatments and foliar products for stand and yield.  This evaluation gives soybean producers comparative information for selecting soybean seed treatments and foliar products for the unique production systems.  All entries were submitted voluntarily by companies.  Application protocol and product rate were provided by the company.  Please keep in mind that our trials are conducted in overall high-yielding environments with well-drained soil and limited pest pressure.

During 2014, the soybean agronomy team evaluated sixteen soybean seed treatments at six locations in Ohio.  Seed treatments included biologicals, fertilizers, inoculants, growth regulators, fungicides, and insecticides.  Companies designated their product to be applied to treated or untreated seed.  Treated seed was treated with Acceleron (metalaxyl + pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad + imidacloprid).  There were two controls of treated seed (treated check) and untreated seed (untreated check).  Results of the seed treatments applied to treated seed should be compared to the treated check while products applied to untreated seed should be compared to the untreated check.  Results of the 2014 Ohio Soybean Seed Treatment Trial can be found here:  

Last year we also evaluated five foliar products at two locations in Ohio.  Foliar products included fungicides, fertilizers, and growth regulators.  Results of the 2014 Ohio Soybean Foliar Treatment Trial can be found here:

Laura Lindsey is an assistant professor of Horticulture and Crop Science with Ohio State University. J D Bethel is a research associate of Horticulture and Crop Science with Ohio State University.

This article originally appeared in Ohio State University Extension’s C.O.R.N. Newsletter and has been reposted with permission.

Laura Lindsey



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