All Posts by Laura Lindsey


May 07, 2017

Sustainability Practices

Saturated soils after soybean planting can cause uneven emergence and stand reductions of varying extent depending on the stage of the soybean plant and other environmental factors including temperature and duration of saturated conditions.

Wet Weather: Flooding, Poor Nodulation, and Disease Concerns

June 18, 2015

Disease Management

The forecast for the coming week is for continued rain and in many cases this will fall on already saturated soils across the northern and west central part of the state.

Diagnostics: 2014 Soybean Seed Treatment and Foliar Trials Available Online

January 15, 2015

Weed Management

The purpose of the Ohio Soybean Seed Treatment and Foliar Trials are to evaluate soybean seed treatments and foliar products for stand and yield.