The two most common foliar diseases in Illinois that will respond to fungicides are Frogeye leaf spot and Septoria brown spot. Cercospora leaf blight is a close runner-up. Both Frogeye leaf spot and Septoria brown spot can be considered diseases that favor wet, warm, humid weather—conditions we experience here in Illinois. Sometimes to help farmers scout, I tell them that if they are seeing Gray leaf spot in their corn, then it is time to...
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July 27, 2016 |
July 26, 2016 While the early spring and long hot dry spell in June allowed wheat to mature early and harvest to occur about 5-7 days earlier than normal, field conditions at the time of harvest and afterward were quite variable for planting double crop soybeans. There were many instances of fields that were very dry and hard with little or no moisture in them, to fields that had some moisture down 2 inches and deeper. Some found moisture only in the “flat... |
July 26, 2016 It’s a long way from Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico—but out of sight cannot mean out of mind when it comes to managing nutrients on your fields. The actions you take have a huge impact on nitrogen and phosphorus levels in water hundreds of miles away. Though agriculture has made significant strides in improving nutrient utilization over the years, it must do even better in the future. Pick Up the Pace |
July 25, 2016 Weed resistance is a fact of life when growing corn and soybeans. Growers need multiple tools available and LibertyLink® soybeans and Liberty® herbicide are two of those tools. However, applying Liberty and getting good performance is not as easy as spraying on glyphosate. You need to pay more attention to weed height and application instructions and strive to get it right. That means paying attention to the... |
July 22, 2016 This past weekend I was scrolling through Twitter and came across a feed that had been started by a well-known and respected Illinois agronomist posting an article from Academia in Arkansas on the use of tissue testing as a guide for foliar nutrition applications (it’s a very good article, by the way). This started a lively debate on the merits of foliars and the value of tissue testing at all. While I do not plan to jump into that debate and... |
July 21, 2016 We can easily see corn showing drought symptoms, but signs of soybeans under drought stress may not be as evident. When soybeans suffer from heat and water stress, their response may vary due to their cellular structures, metabolic processes, and physiological development, which all can directly and indirectly cause soybeans to exhibit symptoms based on their response. Early season soybean stress may cause leaves to be smaller or limit... |
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