Agronomy: Double Cropping Challenges and Opportunities

Interested in Double Cropping? Take in the seminar scheduled in Mt. Vernon on February 10 “Double Cropping: Overcoming Challenges to a More Profitable System.” For more information and to register, visit this page

Double cropping soybeans is a common rotation from Kansas to Maryland and down to the Gulf of Mexico. It is even practiced in Southern Ontario. In this rotation soybeans are planted back after either a winter cereal like barley or wheat or after a spring vegetable. There is an opportunity to increase revenue by harvesting two crops per season.

The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) is interested in improving the productivity and profitability of double crop soybeans and is funding research, education and extension activities to improve the management of this system. However, in the double cropping rotation, both crops face challenges today.

With wheat the challenges include:

  • Low yields
  • Low prices
  • Low test weight
  • Risk of DON vomitoxin
  • Discounts that drop price per bushel below breakeven

With soybeans the challenges include:

  • Soybeans are planted into high residue and poor soil conditions
  • Soybean production is often influenced by poor management
  • Growers are reluctant to invest in technology or best management practices
  • Growers plant the cheapest seed available
  • Clay pan and timber soils limit soybean yields
  • Recommendations are out of date

The double crop rotation does present some good opportunities. For example, wheat in the rotation acts like a cover crop—scavenging nutrients and protecting the soil—which benefits soybean yield. Early season wheat varieties allow earlier soybean planting which increases soybean yield as well. And harvesting two crops in a single season increases potential profit

ISA and the Illinois Wheat Association are hosting this double crop seminar. The seminar will be held at the Holiday Inn conference center in Mt. Vernon on February 10 beginning with registration at 8:30 a.m. Topics to be discussed Include:

  • Wheat Management for Profit – Dr. Fred Kolb, University of Illinois
  • Double Crop: Soybean Challenges and Tactics for Successful Weed Control and Stand Establishment – Phil Krieg, Syngenta
  • An Ontario Perspective on Double Crop Soybean Production –– Real Reward vs. Risk – Eric Richter, Syngenta, Ontario
  • The Economic Place of Double-Crop Wheat Soybeans – Dr. Gary Schnitkey, University of Illinois
  • Ultra-Early Wheat Opportunities – Ken McClintock, Limagrain Cereal Seeds
  • Farmer Industry Panel Discussion

If you are a double crop producer—past, present or future—and want to learn more about its challenges and opportunities, we hope to see you in Mt. Vernon on February 10.

Agronomist Dr. Daniel Davidson posts blogs on agronomy-related topics. Feel free to contact him at

Dan Davidson
Soybean agronomist Daniel Davidson, Ph.D., posts blogs on topics related to soybean agronomy. Feel free to contact him at or ring him at 402-649-5919.



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