Agronomy: Soy Summit: Peoria

The second 2016 Soybean Summit continued to build on Illinois Soybean Association’s goal of gaining more yields with 199 soybean farmers gathering in Peoria, Illinois on Thursday, February 25. Chad Colby of Colby AgTech, Darin Newsom of DTN and Kip Pendleton of The Pendleton group anchored the day as our keynote speakers, bringing incredible insight into how we can make the push for improved yield and profitability. Several other industry experts were also on hand for breakout sessions including Angie Peltier (University of Illinois), Emerson Nafziger (University of Illinois), Mark Bernards (Western Illinois University), and Lance Tarochione (Monsanto).

If you weren’t able to make it, or simply want to revisit what our experts shared, the Illinois Soybean Association has made videos of the presentations available online.

2016, Time To Take a Close Look at Practical Application of Unmanned Aerial Systems: Chad Colby, Colby AgTech

Answering the question: “Is 2016 the year UAS should be on your farm?”, Chad discusses what’s new with unmanned aerial systems and talks us through the current policy in place from the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration).


Soybean Outlook: Conflicting Signals: Darin Newsom, DTN

Crop commodity prices have receded the last two years and the forecast is not optimistic. Supply is up and growing and demand is down. Darin talks about the fundamental of the market going into and through 2016 and offers ideas on how growers can capture a higher price on the commodities market. 


New Technology Options to Improve Yield and Profitability in 2016: Kip Pendleton, The Pendleton Group

Ag technology is evolving at a record pace. Which technologies should you be considering and why? Kip looks at the “Systems of Systems” including new field products, technologies from Precision Ag, the Internet of Things in Ag, Big Data and the emerging Decision Support Systems to get the highest returns as you move into 2016. 


SDS: The Challenges and Solutions: Angie Peltier, University of Illinois

Sudden death syndrome (SDS) was responsible for an estimated 61.8 million bushel yield loss in the U.S. in 2014, second only to the soybean cyst nematode among pathogen-related causes of yield loss. While the fungus that causes SDS (Fusarium virguliforme) infects roots of soybean seedlings very early in the growing season, foliar symptoms don’t typically appear until after soybean plants reach reproductive growth stages. Because they can lead to loss of photosynthetic capacity and eventually leaf loss, the earlier that these symptoms appear, the greater is the potential for yield loss. There are no mid-season tools with which to manage this disease and management decisions must be made before the growing season begins. This session focuses on communicating the latest research results and disease management strategies. 


Besides Good Weather, What Does It Take to Maximize Soybean Yields?: Emerson Nafziger, University of Illinois

The 2014 cropping season in Illinois was outstanding, but the 2015 cropping season was fairly typical, except for high rainfall in June. The soybean crop did well as expected in 2014, but got off to a shaky start in 2015, raising concern about yield prospects. Even with what seemed like average weather, the 2015 Illinois soybean yield is expected to equal the record 56 bushels per acre produced in 2014. Emerson takes a look at research results that might give us a clue about why soybeans did so well in both years and what inputs it takes to let soybeans take advantage of weather that we get. 


Soybean Weed Management for 2016: Mark Bernards, Western Illinois University

Weeds resistant to herbicides are now a fact of farming. Growers know they have to deal regularly with herbicide resistant waterhemp and marestail. Palmer amaranth is the next looming challenge. Topics addressed in this presentation include: making residual herbicide applications count, should growers more closely schedule their postemergence applications, and what role can cover crops play in controlling weeds in general and resistant weeds in particular. 


Harnessing Better Management Practices to Maximize Soybean Yield: Lance Tarochione, Monsanto

Tarochione leads a discussion about the management practices he has found to provide the most consistent yield benefits. He reviews the results of field trials conducted by Monsanto, farmers and others. He discusses practical management strategies to increase soybean yields and in the process, hopes to challenge growers that expecting more from soybeans requires some effort and changes in management practices. 

Illinois Soybean Association
The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) checkoff and membership programs represent more than 43,000 soybean farmers in Illinois. The checkoff funds market development and utilization efforts while the membership program supports the government relations interests of Illinois soybean farmers at the local, state, and national level through the Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG). ISA upholds the interests of Illinois soybean producers through promotion, advocacy, and education with the vision of becoming a market leader in sustainable soybean production and profitability. For more information, visit the website and



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