All Posts by Shawn P. Conley

Soybean Summit Q&A with Dr. Shawn Conley

February 10, 2021

Research Information

Dr. Shawn Conley’s virtual Soybean Summit session, held on Wednesday, February 10, discussed how changes in soybean physiology have influenced soybean yield potential.

Boots on the Ground: Validation of Benchmarking Process through an Integrated On-Farm Partnership

January 18, 2021

Research Information

This project is focused on using the producer survey database to identify and strategically evaluate management changes in on-farm research settings across the US NC region.

On Farm Soybean Research: Planting Dates Study

January 27, 2019

Planting Strategies

If you farm in Northern Illinois would you participate in a planting date study?

The Soybean Seeding Rate Conundrum

April 17, 2018

Planting Strategies

Soybean seeding rate is one of the most heavily debated and frankly, in my humble opinion, the most overthought agronomic decision we make in soybean.

Best Management Practices for Growing Second Year Soybeans

January 02, 2017

Planting Strategies

Before we start, we fully acknowledge our title “Best management practices for growing second year soybeans” is a bit misleading as we do not advocate this practice (its not a BMP!) but we thought we could sucker you into reading this article if it had an enticing title!

Agronomy: In-furrow Product Evaluation in Soybean in 2015

January 21, 2016

Nutrient Management

To evaluate the effectiveness and compatibility of various in-furrow products for soybean, field research trials were conducted at 2 locations in Wisconsin in 2015.

Plant & Soil Health: Using Inoculants in a Corn-Soybean Rotation

January 30, 2015

Weed Management

Although the air is 79 percent di-nitrogen (N2), soybean plants without Bradyrhizobium japonicum are unable to utilize this nitrogen source. The soybean plant provides nutrients (carbohydrates and minerals) and a protective growing environment for the rhizobia. In turn, the rhizobia “fix” atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia (NH3), which can then be used by the soybean plant.