Weeds: PODCAST: Controlling Palmer amaranth

Palmer amaranth is becoming more of a problem in many parts of Illinois. In this podcast, Jonathan Perkins, Southern Illinois practical farm research location director and team sales agronomist for Beck’s Superior Hybrids, explains the challenge created by Palmer amaranth and what farmers can do to keep the weed under control in 2015.


Illinois Soybean Association
The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) checkoff and membership programs represent more than 43,000 soybean farmers in Illinois. The checkoff funds market development and utilization efforts while the membership program supports the government relations interests of Illinois soybean farmers at the local, state, and national level through the Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG). ISA upholds the interests of Illinois soybean producers through promotion, advocacy, and education with the vision of becoming a market leader in sustainable soybean production and profitability. For more information, visit the website and



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