Soybean Planting Tips to Start the Season Right

This article was originally posted by Syngenta's Know More, Grow More agronomy blog

  • Plant early: Typically, most soybeans are planted between late April and early May. In a Purdue University study, soybeans that were planted in early May consistently produced higher yields than those planted later, across all regions in Indiana. However, before planting, growers should make sure to check the recommended planting conditions for their area.
  • Plant in ideal soil conditions: Although planting early is typically the most beneficial, waiting for optimal soil temperature and conditions takes priority to timing. Planting when soils are too wet or too cold can reduce emergence and plant populations, and lead to reduced yields, according to the Iowa State University Extension.
  • Understand weed pressures: Many weed species have the ability to lay dormant over the winter. It’s important to be prepared with the right management strategies to protect soybeans from weeds from the start. Check out the Resistance Fighter® program for localized weed resistance management tips.
  • Plant varieties that are resistant to SCN and SDS: When planting fields with confirmed soybean cyst nematode (SCN) presence or susceptibility to soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS), it’s important to plant varieties that are resistant to both. Growers should keep in mind that this alone is not enough to combat them and should prepare for SCN and SDS by also applying a seed treatment with proven activity on these pests. We recommend applying Clariva® Complete Beans seed treatment, a combination of separately registered products, which kills SCN season long and reduces the damage from SCN-related diseases, including SDS. The addition of Mertect® 340-F fungicide can further protect your high-value seed from SDS.




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