Participate in an opportunity to improve soybean health

Want to harness the power of microbial products to improve soybean health, resist stress and increase yield? Enroll in the 2017 Yield Challenge Side-by-Side Comparison to test out B Sure® on soybeans.

Soybean producers are looking for an edge to increase their yields and a new foliar application technology might just be a resource worth investing in; or, at the very least, testing. 

Agrinos® has been testing B Sure on soybeans and independent research has shown an average yield gain of 4.6 bushels per acre when applied on soybeans at R1 (flowering). It increases the plant’s ability to handle stresses and can also be applied with a first pass herbicide application or second pass fungicide application.

Bruce Odens, Agrinos vice president of commercial operations, North America, indicates B Sure has three benefits: reduces herbicide stress, provides a foliar source of bioavailable nutrients, and improves plant health. “B Sure provides key nutrients at a critical time to stimulate photosynthesis, driving more carbon fixation and other key metabolic processes in the plant.”

B Sure comes in a liquid form and is applied at 1 pint per acre. It is compatible with pesticides and fertilizers. The company will provide product to growers enrolled in the 2017 ISA Yield Challenge.

To learn more about participating in the 2017 Illinois Yield Challenge visit and sign up to receive the monthly e-newsletter.

To learn more about B Sure visit the Agrinos website at To order a complimentary sample of B Sure contact Michael Turnipseed or call 812-229-5468.

Soybean agronomist Daniel Davidson, Ph.D. posts blogs on agronomy-related topics. Feel free to contact him at or ring him at 402-649-5919.

Dan Davidson
Soybean agronomist Daniel Davidson, Ph.D., posts blogs on topics related to soybean agronomy. Feel free to contact him at or ring him at 402-649-5919.



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