How to handle unplanted soybean seed

Will it ever stop raining? We got 11.5 inches in one week in east central Illinois. I have been getting a lot of questions about delayed planting. One question is, if I don’t plant my treated soybeans will the company take them back? Most seed companies will not take treated soybean seed back. But your local dealer may take the treated soybean seed back and redistribute it to other dealers or use for replant or double crop soybeans after wheat. So before you just discard, check with your dealer to see if he has any options. He may just be needing some seed or know where it is needed.

You can also use soybeans for a green manure crop or cover crop. If a field didn’t get planted and you have the seed, you can still plant them as a nitrogen-fixing cover crop. The cover will suppress weeds, control soil erosion, and add organic matter and nitrogen back to the soil. If you do not get the treated soybean seed planted, you need to store the seed in a dry place and if you can find a temperature and humidity controlled facility it would help maintain the seed quality till next season.

If you carry treated soybean seed over from one year to the next I would send in a sample to Illinois Crop Improvement Association late next winter for a cold germination test to get an accurate indication of seed quality. Also increase the planting population about 10-15% of normal and plant the saved seed last. I had to do this on my own farm this year and planted the seed last to insure the warmest soil possible. I have a great stand and looks like I will have an excellent crop.

If you do not want to save the treated soybean seed you can use a disposal agent, make sure the agent has the valid and necessary national and local environmental permits to accept and dispose of treated soybean seed. I am sure this would be very expensive and my last choice.

I want to mention two things NOT to do with disposing of treated soybean seed:
• Never burn treated soybean seed in a stove used in the home or shop
• Never compost treated soybean seed

As you know the best practice is to get the treated soybean in the ground!

Bill Orr



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