All Posts by Rod Moran

2018 Soybean Season: Challenges and Rewards

October 26, 2018

Harvest Strategies

In a year with several challenges, growers were rewarded with excellent yields.

Technology Update - Enlist Weed Control System

September 15, 2018


When you are making seed decisions for 2019, herbicide traits belong near the top of the list.

There is an app for that…

August 22, 2018


The review of the intuitive and useful Purdue University soybean app.

Help me, I’m melting … from soybean diseases

June 28, 2018

Disease Management

Opportunistic soybean diseases on the rise in Illinois

Diptera, Lepidoptera and Coleoptera—OH MY!

May 10, 2018

Insect Management

Remember to monitor early season soybean insects through V4.

The Early Bird Plants Smartly

April 11, 2018

Planting Strategies

Planting early? Plan even earlier to grow a successful soybean crop.

Food for Thought

February 12, 2018

In-Season Agronomy

Have you finalized your N, P and K plans for soybeans?