All Posts by Plant Management Network

Agronomy: Improve Control of Giant Ragweed with New ‘Focus on Soybean’ Webcast

June 17, 2016

Weed Management

Giant ragweed, if left unchecked, will compete with slower growing soybean plants for critical resources and can significantly reduce yield, with losses reaching as high as 30-90 percent in soybean field trials.

Agronomy: Maximize Yield and Profits through Soybean Seeding Rate Webinar

May 06, 2016

Planting Strategies

For soybean growers facing high seed costs and low commodity prices, any insights into reaching optimal seeding rates and planting times can help raise profit margins.

Agronomy: Webinar: Climate-Induced Reduction in US-Wide Soybean Yields

April 08, 2016

In-Season Agronomy

Shawn P. Conley, professor of agronomy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, produced a webinar focusing on how extreme weather events and climate variation over the past 30 years have affected soybean yields.

Disease: New ‘Focus on Soybean’ Webcast Helps Expand Your SDS Management Options

April 21, 2015

Insect Management

Sudden death syndrome wreaked havoc in fields across the Midwest U.S. and Canada in 2014, resulting in much yield loss and frustration for farmers.

Plant & Soil: New ‘Focus on Soybean’ Webcast Teaches Soil Sampling Techniques to Increase Yield

April 09, 2015

Sustainability Practices

Soil sampling is critical to ensuring adequate levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as managing soil PH. The payoff: achieving good nodulation and, in turn, high yields.

Disease Management: New ‘Hub’ for Soybean Fungicide Resistance Information Available

November 16, 2014

Weed Management

Fungicide resistance management has become a priority issue in the soybean industry this year, especially as fungicide resistant strains of Cercospora sojina, the pathogen that causes Frogeye Leaf Spot, were confirmed in 10 states.

Disease Management: Webcast: Management of Frogeye Leaf Spot

July 28, 2014

Disease Management

Now more than ever, growers are experiencing yield loss and crop quality due to fungicide resistance, forcing them to either use more fungicides or select disease-resistant varieties that aren’t necessarily the highest yielding for their growing conditions.

Disease Management: New Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance in Soybean and Corn

July 13, 2014

Nutrient Management

Fungicide resistance can be a major threat to soybean disease control, and this resistance can take hold quickly if fungicides and their applications are not properly managed.