All Posts by No-Till Farmer

Ninth Annual No-Till Operational Benchmark Study

April 11, 2017

Research Information

No-tillers hit new yield records across the board

Plant & Soil: USDA Finds Cover Crops Can Reduce Nitrate Load Runoff

April 03, 2015

Sustainability Practices

Using cover crops in between corn and soybean crop production in the Midwest could significantly reduce nitrate load runoff via subsurface drains, according to USDA scientists.

Agronomy: Climate Variability Impacts Variations in Crop Yields

March 25, 2015

Harvest Strategies

A new report from researchers at the University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment has found that climate variability historically accounts for one-third of yield variability for corn, rice, wheat and soybeans worldwide — the equivalent of 36 million metric tons of food each year.

Plant & Soil Health: American Soybean Association Backs Neonicotinoid Use

March 06, 2015

Nutrient Management

In comments submitted to the U.S. EPA, the American Soybean Association (ASA) disagreed with the conclusions of a recent report from the agency that calls into question the efficacy of neonicotinoid seed treatments in soybean operations.