All Posts by Nick Seiter

University of Illinois Applied Research Results Now Available

February 12, 2021

Disease Management, Insect Management

University of Illinois researchers publish an annual report of applied research conducted on insect and disease management in soybean and corn.

Managing Bean Leaf Beetles in Soybeans

May 11, 2020

Insect Management

Consider these factors and symptoms for managing bean leaf beetles.

Dectes Stem Borer and Lodged Soybeans

December 03, 2018

Insect Management

Many soybean growers have had problems with lodging at harvest this year. The primary culprit for this (as for many of our woes this fall) was the extended period of unfavorable weather that we have suffered.

Slug Management in Illinois Field Crops

April 18, 2018

Insect Management

Slugs can be a difficult pest to manage when conditions are favorable for them, which has been the case often (particularly in southern Illinois) over the last couple of years.

Scouting Soybean for Insect Pests

April 07, 2018

Insect Management

Insects pests are a variable threat in soybeans, so be on the lookout.