All Posts by Mike Staton

Recommendations for planting large soybean seed

April 01, 2017

Planting Strategies

Large soybean seed may create some challenges. Understanding the challenges and the strategies for overcoming them will improve seed performance in 2017.

Plan and Soil Health: Identifying and correcting manganese deficiency in soybeans

July 13, 2016

Nutrient Management

Manganese deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency seen in soybeans in Michigan.

Agronomy: Soybean Planting Depth Matters

May 04, 2016

Planting Strategies

Soybean seed is very sensitive to planting depth, so producers need to be careful and get their crop off to a good start.

Disease Management - Manage White Mold Inoculum Now to Reduce Severity in Future Crops

September 29, 2015

Disease Management

This summer’s cool and wet weather created conditions favorable for the development of white mold.

Assessing water damage to emerged soybeans

June 18, 2015

Disease Management

Frequent and heavy rains have created waterlogged and ponded areas in many soybean fields in Michigan.

Agronomics: How To Expedite Soybean Harvest Operations

October 29, 2014

Harvest Strategies

According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, 23% of Michigan’s soybean crop was harvested as of Oct. 19, 2014.

Diagnostics: New Information Regarding Soybean Planting Depth

April 22, 2014

Planting Strategies

Achieving the correct planting depth is more critical for soybean production than it is for corn production for several reasons. Soybean seed requires more water to germinate and soybean emergence is impeded to a greater extent when a soil crust develops.