All Posts by Kelli Bassett

Seed Decisions for 2019

October 22, 2018

Planting Strategies

The most important decision you can make for the 2019 soybean crop.

Take Your Seeds Off Before Entering

August 30, 2018

Weed Management

In times of battling tough resistant weed, better recognize how problematic weed seeds are being spread.

Help! What happened to my stand of soybeans?

July 11, 2018

In-Season Agronomy

Learn to diagnose field problems when they happen.

Summer Scouting Important for Top Soybean Yields

June 25, 2018

In-Season Agronomy

Beans got off to a rough start and growers are seeing some unexpected issues pop up.

Soybean Fields or Swingin’ Hips

May 22, 2018

Planting Strategies

Beans are planted (and early). Here are some early scouting recommendations.

Have you checked your grain bins lately?

January 19, 2018

Harvest Strategies

Managing soybeans doesn’t end with combining. If you have stored them on-farm, you need to continue to manage them.

Agronomy: Don’t Discard Seed Treatments Without Proper Consideration

April 21, 2016

Planting Strategies

Going into 2016 growers are working hard to manage input costs to accommodate today’s low commodity prices, along with their expected yield, in order to return a profit.