All Posts by Jeff Keifer

Agronomy: Lessons from the 2015 Crop

November 25, 2015

In-Season Agronomy

The biggest question I get asked now that all the soybeans have been harvested is, what lessons did we learn and what can growers do differently next year?

Agronomy: Soybeans Fared Well in 2015

October 26, 2015

Harvest Strategies

How did your soybeans do this year? My high-yield soybean team had a lot of fun this year trying some new things to boost yields.

Agronomy: Soybean Conditions in August

September 25, 2015

Harvest Strategies

Soybeans are really starting to change color quickly here in District 2.

Soybean Conditions in August

August 25, 2015

Harvest Strategies

Soybeans in my area are coming along nicely, but it didn’t always look so good for them. Two weeks ago I was finding a lot of White Mold and Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in just about every field I looked in.

Do I need to add nitrogen to my soybeans?

July 16, 2015

Nutrient Management

Should you be applying nitrogen (N) on soybeans? The quickest answer is no—soybeans are a legume and have the ability to fix their own nitrogen, but everyone knows that!

Video: Soybean Tissue Sampling

July 09, 2015

Disease Management

Soybean tissue sampling webcast by Jeff Keifer, CCA Envoy.

Soybean Conditions in June

July 07, 2015

In-Season Agronomy

Soybeans got off to one of the best starts I’ve seen since I started working as an agronomist.

Disease: Applying Cobra Herbicide to Soybeans for White Mold Prevention

May 14, 2015

Disease Management

Will applying Cobra® Herbicide really protect soybeans against white mold?

Agronomy: Soybean Update from District 2

May 07, 2015

In-Season Agronomy

Hello from District 2! As I write this, the ground is wet and we expect planting delays.