All Posts by Doug Schroeder

Illinois Soybean Producers Focus on the Future

September 17, 2020

Every few years, a healthy organization takes a close look at its direction and adjusts for the future. The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) recently did just that.

Consider Livestock Feed Value When Selecting Soybean Varieties

July 17, 2020

Planting Strategies

On a recent Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) trade mission I sat down with a soybean buyer in Bangkok, Thailand, anticipating a friendly and productive meeting. The buyer looked at me, and the first words out of her mouth were: “Why is the quality of your soybeans so low?”

CCA Soy Envoys Provide Soybean-savvy Insights for Illinois Growers

May 21, 2020

In-Season Agronomy

The soybean industry can be complex and the challenges we face often require knowledge from teams of experts outside of our operations. When it comes to agronomic insight, I like to lean on fellow soybean buffs to help me find new ways to make my operation successful. Among my favorite resources are the CCA (Certified Crop Adviser) Soy Envoys.

AMP Up On-farm Business Decisions for Long-Term Profitability

March 19, 2020

AMP - Agribusiness Management

When I’m successful both in and out of the field, my business thrives. While improving on-farm practices helps me achieve high yield acres, that’s not the only way I can increase profitability.

Make A New Year's Resolution to Manage Farm Risk

January 16, 2020

At the top of most Americans’ New Year’s resolutions are things like eating healthier, exercising more and losing weight. Being health-conscious coming into the new year is a great way to get started on the right foot. But beyond physical health, it’s also a great idea to place the health of your finances, business and crop management practices on your resolution list, too.

Soybeans and your holiday dinner table

December 19, 2019

AMP - Agribusiness Management

Whether ham, turkey, chicken, beef or fish take center stage at your holiday dinner table, you can thank soybeans. Why?

Biodiesel: A Year-Round Success

November 23, 2019

In-Season Agronomy

Biodiesel is one of the Illinois soybean checkoff program’s greatest success stories. This renewable fuel, made from soybean oil, contributes to cleaner air and fewer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and puts more money in the pockets of growers like you and me.

Let's Talk Soybean Trade

October 25, 2019

AMP - Agribusiness Management

This article originally appeared in Illinois AgriNews and has been adapted for ILSoyAdvisor readers.