All Posts by Anne Dorrance

Seed treatments for watermolds and fungi that affect soybean in Ohio

February 03, 2017

Disease Management

There are some new fungicide seed treatments and an updated efficacy chart from the North Central Extension Research Committee, my soybean colleagues across the region.

Disease Management: Host Resistance to Soybean Diseases - The Best Return on Investment

May 20, 2016

Disease Management

The first and most economical approach (a.k.a. save money) to manage many of the pathogens that impact soybean in the state of Ohio is to pick varieties that have the right resistance package.

Wet Weather: Flooding, Poor Nodulation, and Disease Concerns

June 18, 2015

Disease Management

The forecast for the coming week is for continued rain and in many cases this will fall on already saturated soils across the northern and west central part of the state.