All Posts by Aaron Hager

Dry Soils and Residual Herbicides

May 11, 2017

Sustainability Practices

Decades ago it was very common for the majority of corn and soybean acres in Illinois to be treated with one or more soil-residual herbicides before crop/weed emergence.

Weed Management: Dicamba and Soybean: What to Expect in 2017

November 21, 2016

Weed Management

The long-awaited label allowing dicamba use in dicamba-resistant soybean was granted November 9, 2016, by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), although only one commercial product received that label.

Weed Management: Remain Vigilant for Palmer amaranth

August 09, 2016

Weed Management

Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) has garnered much attention recently in both academic discussions and popular press releases, and with good reason.

Weed Management: Postemergence Options to Control Waterhemp in Soybean

June 23, 2016

Weed Management

Waterhemp continues to be one of the most widespread and troublesome broadleaf weed species with which Illinois farmers must contend.

Agronomy: Dicamba-resistant soybean varieties

March 03, 2016

Weed Management

On February 3, Monsanto announced its commercial launch plans for soybean varieties resistant to the herbicides dicamba and glyphosate (designated Roundup Ready 2 Xtend varieties).

Weed Management: Considerations for Weed Management in 2016: Part 3

December 08, 2015

Weed Management

The continuing and expanding challenges imposed on agronomic cropping systems by weed populations resistant to various herbicides has led to renewed interest in utilizing multiple modes of herbicide action in weed management programs.

Agronomy: Considerations for Weed Management in 2016: Part 2

November 30, 2015

Weed Management

Here is the second installment with additional considerations for weed management in 2016.

Agronomy: Considerations for Weed Management in 2016: Part 1

November 16, 2015

Weed Management

One of the founding fathers of the United States is often credited as the source of the phrase “in this world nothing can be certain, except death and taxes.”