All Posts from 2022

During this ILSoyAdvisor Webinar, Adam Kiel will provide an overview of carbon markets and take a deep dive into the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund. The Outcomes Fund was developed in 2019 by the Iowa Soybean Association in partnership with Quantified Ventures, an impact investment advisory firm. Over the past year, the Outcomes Fund has experienced growth tenfold and now operates in 10 states, including Illinois. The Outcomes Fund provides new...

Conservation Reserve Program (Deadline March 11)

  • Farmers and landowners can sign up now through March 11 for General CRP to establish long-term, resource-conserving plant species such as approved grasses or trees to control soil erosion, improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat on cropland. From April 4 to May 13, growers can also enroll in Grassland CRP to help...

We all remember years when planting conditions were difficult due to excess moisture. Who could forget 2019, when it seemed the rain would never stop and many around the state and region dealt with delayed planting decisions? While we hope another year like 2019 never comes around again, it’s good to think ahead and plan for those “what if” scenarios.

A wet spring can be even more nerve-wracking if you planted an overwintering cover...

If your eyes and email inbox have glazed over about carbon credits and carbon markets, you’re not alone. It’s dizzying… and tempting to ignore. But ignore at your own financial and operational peril. 

Here are a few considerations as we launch into 2022 and a new growing season this spring:

1. Carbon markets – and “ecosystem markets” that address other items like water quality – are here to stay.  The consumer...

In this webinar, Jim Isermann and Abigail Peterson will review key spring management considerations for cover crop fields, including termination approaches, tillage options, planting green and IPM. They will also discuss what they've seen across Illinois over the years and what practices are making a difference for planting success.

Presenters: Abigail Peterson, Director of Agronomy for the Illinois Soybean Association, and Jim...
