All Posts from February 2021

Nitrogen Application Considerations

Like corn, wheat is a grass, so nitrogen is one of the key nutrients that a wheat plant needs to grow.

The timing of a nitrogen application depends on

  1. the size of the plant,
  2. the stand (A good rule of thumb is that you need 25-30 plants per square foot),
  3. and when it was planted the fall before.

On our farm, we use a split...

Double cropping is a way for farmers to get the most out of their land. Using a double crop strategy can be difficult but reaps a great reward for farmers willing to take on the challenge.

Double-crop soybeans have become a part of my cropping strategy the last several years here in Southern Illinois. One of the main reasons I like to use this strategy is to encourage more crop diversity. Since I farm in southern Illinois, we don’t...
