All Posts from 2020

This article was written in collaboration with Nick Seiter, Research Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois.

There’s a new(er) soybean pest in town that’s receiving some attention from southern Illinois soybean growers. Feeding caused by the Dectes stem borer contributed to stalk breakage and lodging found in area soybean fields around harvest. 

Sulfur is one of the essential nutrients that is required by all plants to live and successfully complete their life cycle. Just like any other nutrient, if sulfur is limited, growth and development will be harmed, having an impact on the final product (reduced yield/profitability). Some would say that sulfur needs to have primary consideration right behind N, P, K. Even though sulfur isn’t a macro nutrient, it is very high on the...

This article was originally published in the January issue of Soy Perspectives magazine.

Planting and harvest in 2019 were bookended by an extended winter, an early frost and a fall snowstorm, leading many Illinois soybean producers to experience yield and profit losses due to the short window for plant development. Throw in a market-...

Whether we like it or not, cell phones, iPads and apps have become a part of our daily lives. These technologies have ushered in a new era of agriculture: non-traditional tools that help producers and agronomists manage risk and improve production. Recently, CropLife magazine published an article...

The 2019 news reels have been a rollercoaster for anyone watching but especially for agriculture. That, coupled with a unique growing season that was stressful in so many ways, has left many looking for true direction and the need to evaluate and recraft their plans. Presenter, Philip Krupps will conduct a macro review and take many of the current issues at hand from interest rates, banking standards, and commodities while instituting his...

At the top of most Americans’ New Year’s resolutions are things like eating healthier, exercising more and losing weight. Being health-conscious coming into the new year is a great way to get started on the right foot. But beyond physical health, it’s also a great idea to place the health of your finances, business and crop management practices on your resolution list, too.
We start each year with an idea of what...
