All Posts from August 2020

The sights and sounds of airplanes, helicopters and ground sprayers in Illinois corn and soybean fields during July and August usually means one thing: foliar fungicide application season has begun. While fungicides have been common practice in high value crops for many years, the use of these chemistries in row crops like soybean has expanded rapidly during the last 10 to 15 years. There are many excellent articles and sources of data...

What are biologicals?
There has been an explosion of biological product offerings on the agriculture market purported to increase plant health, crop quality and yield. These “biologicals” are typically living microbial organisms of bacteria or fungi. 

How do they work?
Microbes in our agriculture fields exist as a complex community. A single gram of soil can contain between 108-1011...

The second week of the Agribusiness Management Program (AMP) Summer Webinar Series featured attorney Polly Dobbs from Dobbs Legal Group. After practicing law in Indianapolis for 12 years, Polly returned home to her family farm with her husband and two children. She is passionate about helping farm families avoid the pitfalls of estate planning by focusing on the efficient transfer of their land, buildings and equipment to the next...
Bean Leaf Beetles … Wait, didn’t we already battle them during the spring? Yes, but this insect will have two adult generations in a single growing season. After overwintering, the BLB emerged and fed on soybean cotyledons this spring. The adult insect then laid eggs for the second generation that will feed on the 2020 pods. Soybean fields planted with an insecticide seed treatment would have had a degree of protection against spring...

In a typical growing season, most of the grower decisions that can affect the final yield of a soybean field have been made. This does not mean, however, that farmers should kick back and relax. Even though it may be more challenging to walk soybean fields in August than in June, there are still benefits to an effective late-season scouting strategy. Here are five tips that can be used to ensure that you collect and utilize information from...

Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership (ISAP) hosted a risk management webinar series this summer. Recaps of the presentations and a link to the full presentations will be provided here after each webinar. 
The July 2 webinar focused on consumer demands for soil health and the impact of supply chain needs on farmers. Jonathan Coppess from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign kicked off the presentation with...
