All Posts from May 2020

Once the rush of planting has slowed or ended, sitting back and relaxing is not the best option to maximize a grower’s soybean acres. When the soybeans have emerged, the next step is to scout those acres to plan for the next step. Taking final stand counts and investigating for emerging issues such as weeds and insects will allow a grower and his local CCA to begin working on a soybean success plan.
Final stand...

Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is caused by the fungus, Fusarium virguliforme. Favorable conditions for SDS infection and symptom development can be divided into two distinct periods: infection of soybean roots in the early spring and significant rainfall during flowering.  

SDS infects soybeans in the spring under cool, wet soils—conditions that are often associated with early planting. Additionally, if conditions are...
