All Posts from April 2020

According to the Crop Protection Network, soybean producers in Illinois lose just under half a billion dollars annually to diseases. This equates to an average of $51/acre per year across the state over the past decade. Understanding what these diseases are and how to control them can improve the profitability of your operation.


In modern production agriculture, it’s important that we look at the big picture of how to manage yield-robbing pests. It’s human nature to gravitate toward the practices that are either cheapest or the easiest. However, in the long run these selected practices may end up costing more. We must evaluate the short- and long-term impact of the decisions we make. IPM, or integrated pest management, consists of a host of tools that are available...

What is the most important nutrient for a soybean crop? Depending on who you ask, potassium, nitrogen or manganese might be the answers you receive, but it is really a trick question. There are 17 nutrients required by plants to carry out the essential biological functions that ultimately lead to a harvestable crop. While they are required in different amounts, your soybean crop craves them all. 

Essential nutrients include those that...

By Todd Steinacher and Jessie Shoopman
Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, we all need to do our parts and practice social distancing. At the same time farming doesn’t stop, so here are five steps you should take to prepare for the spring while protecting your and your communities’ health.
1. Prepare for...
As Dr. Below from the University of Illinois has proven to us time and time again, weather has a significant impact on the quality of a crop, its development and its final yield performance. Over the years we can pick out specific periods where weather had a major effect on crop growth, such as 2012 and 2019. 
Weather can directly impact planting decisions and needs to be evaluated for potential replant risk. Over...

As we move closer to the 2020 growing season, one key decision that Illinois growers are making is which soybean herbicide trait platform to use on their farm. In addition to non-GMO options, there are currently three primary systems from which to choose: LibertyLink® GT27, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® and Enlist E3® soybeans. When used correctly, all of these platforms can lead to effective and successful weed control. However, they all come with...
