All Posts from March 2020

This article was originally published in the January issue of Soy Perspectives magazine.

Illinois soybean farmers commonly are aware of numerous benefits that biodiesel provides versus petroleum diesel; reliable engine performance, cost effectiveness, fewer harmful emissions and a lower carbon footprint. But what farmers may...

When I’m successful both in and out of the field, my business thrives. While improving on-farm practices helps me achieve high yield acres, that’s not the only way I can increase profitability. My business succeeds when I commit to continual learning.

That’s true for all growers. When we make smart decisions, whether that’s adopting new technology or reading up on management tips, we accelerate success. But I realize that our...

The 2020 Soybean Summit was held March 10 at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield, Illinois, and 260 soybean producers, advisers and industry professionals gathered for a day of learning and growth. John McGillicuddy, McGillicuddy and Corrigan Agronomics, set the tone for the day as the first keynote speaker. 

McGillicuddy spoke about designing on farm research studies to test new agronomic practices and how the best agronomic decisions...

Have you ever wondered why certain diseases cause problems during certain seasons but not others? A disease is a living organism that wants to feed, thrive and reproduce. However, depending on the growing season, producers may see variability in disease presence. The seasonal occurrence will be strongly determined by collective interaction of these three factors: host, pathogen and environment. 
In 2019, farmers across the United States submitted more than 3,000 reviews of precision farming products on Precision Ag Reviews. The reviews were collected online and in person at farm shows across the country. Precision Ag Reviews allows farmers to rate their experience with precision farming products and is an independent resource for farmers to reference before investing...

This article was originally published on farmdoc Daily by Micah Pope and Steve Sonka.

Throughout much of agriculture’s history, farmers...
