All Posts from January 2020

The 2019 news reels have been a rollercoaster for anyone watching but especially for agriculture. That, coupled with a unique growing season that was stressful in so many ways, has left many looking for true direction and the need to evaluate and recraft their plans. Presenter, Philip Krupps will conduct a macro review and take many of the current issues at hand from interest rates, banking standards, and commodities while instituting his...

At the top of most Americans’ New Year’s resolutions are things like eating healthier, exercising more and losing weight. Being health-conscious coming into the new year is a great way to get started on the right foot. But beyond physical health, it’s also a great idea to place the health of your finances, business and crop management practices on your resolution list, too.
We start each year with an idea of what...

Big data has taken the agriculture industry by storm. It has been well received by some, and resented by others, for a multitude of reasons. Companies and universities have told us there is value in big data, that we should be using it to make management decisions and product recommendations. It is hard to argue this point, but what is the value of data if it is too confusing to understand and manage? 

That’s where digital agriculture...

With the modern advancements in production agriculture, producers are seeing new products enter the marketplace faster than ever. It can be challenging to keep up with old and new products, therefore it’s important to have a trusted advisor to track product development and product life cycles. As a producer it’s important to have a good balance of product life cycles that are being implemented on your farm. 
