All Posts from 2019

Phosphorus was recently in the spotlight as the American Society of Agronomy celebrated Phosphorus Week, September 15-21. It seems appropriate to celebrate the discovery of one of our most important crop nutrients and focus on how to manage it better.
Discovered 350 years ago, phosphorus is the 11th most abundant element on earth. Because it is so plentiful, it would seem it should be one of the easiest to manage...
It’s important to always know or have a close idea of where your soybeans are in their growth stage. This information is important not only when making fungicide applications, but also to evaluate the potential risk of threats that could be associated with the current and rest of a growing season. In 2019 several bean fields are slow to advance into the R7-R8 stages, which means there’s a large percentage of yield that is yet to be made and...

CCA Soy Envoy, Jason Carr discusses the roller coaster that is the 2019 soybean growing season. From decisions made at planting time to what we are seeing in the fields now, Carr looks at how different decisions and forces were in play to affect yield potential this year. He also looks ahead to how the 2020 growing season may be impacted by 2019.


As I drive through southeastern Illinois, I see very few soybean fields that have started to turn. This is due in part to the late planting season and in part to the soybean maturities most common to this region. I have, however, seen a few fields with the characteristic yellowing of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). Questions were raised early in the season as to whether or not this disease would be prevalent in 2019 and it turns out we are...

This article was originally published in Illinois Prairie Farmer. 

Estate Plan Edge: Different legal ways of holding assets can get terribly confusing. Make sure you get the full story before you create something.

The Farm Progress Show is always an enjoyable opportunity to visit with farmers about their goals and the planning they have done to accomplish those goals. I enjoy brainstorming with attendees who, I trust...

According to a recent @ILSoyAdvisor Twitter poll, over half (56%) of the respondents indicated that they always spray fungicide on their beans. 

