All Posts from 2019

Soybean yields are setting new records in Illinois and other states. Genetic gain has increased from one-third to two-thirds bu/A per year. Adoption of better management since 2010 has led to an addition gain of nearly 1.5 bu/A per year on top of genetic gain. Growers in Illinois have done a great job increasing soybean yields and now growing soybeans is very competitive with the other choice—corn. In 2018, 65 bu/A was the average soybean...
The third Better Bean Series (BBS) event of the 2019 season was held on Wednesday, February 13, in Quincy, Illinois. The event was sponsored by the Illinois Soybean Association and soybean checkoff program, in partnership with Prairieland FS, Inc. The goal of the BBS is to “go local,” and bring soybean management information to growers where they live and farm. 

Co-authored by Nathan Kleczeski and Nick Seiter, University of Illinois.

Many in the Illinois agricultural community are wondering what effects the recent extreme cold might have on pests and pathogens. While it would be nice if the cold temperatures we are experiencing could help to reduce our potential for pest damage, past experience tells us that the most serious pests we deal with are unlikely to be impacted much by...

This article was originally written for the "Burrus Buzz."

Several industry experts have been urging growers to plant soybeans earlier and earlier. There is substantial data and on-farm experience to support this logic, however, one remaining question for many growers is, “Should I change maturities for an earlier planting date?” On a recent Twitter poll posted by ILSoyAdvisor, they asked, “If you are planting soybeans in...

Soybeans have been grown in the United States since 1851 when Dr. Benjamin Franklin Edwards received a packet of seeds from a Japanese sailor. He gave them to his friend John H. Lea who planted them in his garden in Alton, Illinois. From there, soybean...

Over 280 growers, advisers and industry professionals gathered Feb. 4, 2019 at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield, Illinois for a day of learning and growth. Bryce Knorr, senior analyst with Farm Futures, kicked the 2019 Soybean Summit off with a look at the 2018 and 2019 soybean market.
Knorr noted that...
