All Posts from 2019

As rain and cool conditions have delayed planting for many growers across Illinois and the Midwest, I’ve been having more than a few conversations around what we can do to minimize yield losses when planting soybeans later.

Delayed planting reduces vegetative growth and the number of nodes on a plant, and the number of nodes can have a very direct impact on yield. Reduced vegetative growth also reduces the opportunity to have the rows...

This article originially appeared on the Corny News Network.
Soils in Indiana have been too wet for field work almost since last fall. What I mean by "too wet" is so wet that the soils would not even support the weight of the field equipment without creating ruts or the equipment literally getting stuck...

Learn how new 2,4-D choline in Enlist™ herbicides provides effective control of tough and glyphosate-resistant weeds, as part of a herbicide program approach with new Enlist E3 soybeans from Shawna Hubbard, Enlist Herbicides Product Manager with Corteva. Now fully commercially available, Enlist E3 trait technology enables the use of Enlist herbicides, glyphosate and glufosinate in-crop applications. Hear more about the characteristics of new...

Soybean agronomist, Dan Davidson, shares his insights on the impact an unusually wet Winter and Spring will have on the 2019 planting and growing season.



For much of the state of Illinois, planting has been delayed due to seemingly perpetual rain and wet conditions. Hopefully there will be a window of opportunity soon to get back in the fields and continue, or in many cases begin field work and planting. As the calendar keeps progressing it will be tempting to complete fieldwork and planting in as little time as possible and in less than ideal conditions. Don’t forget that conditions at...

Growers have more herbicide options than ever to fight the battle against resistant weeds in their soybean fields. With all the choices on the market today, it can become tedious to determine the differences between conventional, glyphosate tolerant, LibertyLink®, LibertyLink® GT27™, Enlist E3™ and Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. There are many factors to consider before making a seed selection based on your specific fields and weed...
