All Posts from August 2019

After this last round of post applied soybean herbicide, I’ve received multiple calls about herbicide damage. There are a multitude of reasons that cause herbicide damage; that is what we are going to dive into today. 

The best way to start looking at a herbicide concern is to start with the beginning of the season and field history, then work your way towards the plant symptoms you are seeing in the field today. Planting date, trait...

Applying foliar nutrition products in-season to ensure your crop has the nutrition it needs to finish strong is nothing new! In fact, the Beck’s Practical Farm Research (PFR)® program has identified five PFR Proven foliar nutrition products for use in soybeans. If you are unfamiliar with the PFR Proven concept, it is any product or practice that has been tested in PFR and found to provide yield gains and average a...
