All Posts from July 2019

Soil Health Action Plan:

  • Technology plays an important role in nutrient and water management at Schroeder Farms
  • Water control structures improve field drainage and water conservation
  • Variable rate technology applies nutrients where and when they are needed


Doug Schroeder began farming because he enjoyed driving a tractor. His love for sitting in the cab, hand...

Soil Health Action Plan:

  • Crop rotation is an important piece of David Droste’s nutrient management plan
  • Wheat, cover crops and no-till practices help preserve nutrients and soil
  • Data helps make smarter management decisions


Sometimes called “Little Egypt,” Washington County is the number one Illinois county for producing wheat—also a crucial crop in the...

Early tissue test results for V4 corn in central Illinois are coming back low on boron—between 6 to 10 ppm. Sufficiency levels are between 10 and 40 ppm. Early deficiencies in corn are also a harbinger for deficiencies in soybeans.

The photo to the right is an...

One doesn’t have to drive too many miles on country roads to find a field of beans that is not as deep green as we would like to see. This may be a neighbor’s field, or it may be your own. Either way, you may be wondering what would cause the beans to look unhealthy. There are numerous possible causes, some of which we will explore.



Just confirmed for Tech Connect on July 16 is a panel of three innovative farmers who will discuss “AgTech Lessons from My Farm.” Illinois farmers Ken Dalenberg, Steve Pitstick and Jacob Wade will share what they learned using agtech on their own farms and offer suggestions for others interested in implementing new technologies. 
Ken Dalenberg has tested and consulted on...
