All Posts from January 2019

Most growers with more than 20 years under their belt recall planting soybeans in narrow rows with a drill at populations of 225,000 to 275,000 seeds per acre. The high seed rates were a way to control weeds and secondly, drills literally pour seed instead of precisely placing it in the furrow.
However, when Roundup Ready® seeds came on the market and weed control became much easier growers moved to planting...
Double-cropping soybeans after wheat or other crops is a popular rotation that is more profitable than a single crop like corn. This rotation is practiced from Texas to the East Coast and as far north as Michigan and Ontario. In Illinois it’s primarily practiced in the southern third of the state. 
There are opportunities to improve the profitability and quality of wheat and yield and profitability of soybeans in...

Any grower who harvests soybeans recognizes two things: there is not much crop residue left on the surface and the soil surface is spongy compared to the cement-like hardness found after a corn crop. 

Residue production: A 200-bushel corn crop produces about 5 tons of crop residue that coats the surface and armors the soil against erosion. It protects the soil and builds organic matter. That residue is rich in...

American growers have heard a lot about the Enlist™ weed control system coming to market soon in soybeans and many are eagerly awaiting full approval so they can take advantage of this new herbicide system. The term “full approval” refers to approvals of the new trait stack by all markets that import soybeans globally. 

Currently, all import markets have approved the Enlist trait stack except China and the Philippines.  Many...
