All Posts from 2018

What is your approach to soil sampling? How often you should sample?

Many times, through the years, I have explained the history of soil testing in agriculture and its evolution as an approved farming practice. I usually begin by asking the question, “When did soil testing as we know it today, first begin?” Followed by, “In the beginning, what did farmers generally test for?” And finally, “What do we typically test for today?”

In two months both your physical and mental activities will turn to focusing on planting your 2018 soybean crop, so now is the time to ensure your operation is maximizing its opportunities. Diligent preparation is needed so you don’t allow a lack of fertility and an improper pH to hinder your success before the first seed ever goes in the ground. Additionally, it is no secret that corn may not be the “king” of the castle anymore and relying...

Common frost seeding practices:

  • Under-seeding small grains (generally red or mammoth clover) can be put on with spring nitrogen applications
  • Thicken pastures, hay fields or waterways with grasses and/or legumes
  • For high-traffic livestock paddocks, use grasses and/or legumes
    • You will need to remove livestock until crops are established
  • With row crop acres you could increase...

You probably recently read the press release announcing Illinois as the No. 1 soybean producing state in the U.S. once again. And for a global perspective—Illinois is ranked the 4th largest soybean producing country in the world. Kudos to the growers and agronomists in Illinois who are making this happen.

In the recent USDA Crop Report that was issued January 12,...

Conducting nutrient research on-farm allows researchers to evaluate performance of various practices designed to reduce nutrient loss (i.e. winter cover cropping) under real farming conditions. That’s why Lowell Gentry and his team from the University of Illinois are conducting research using whole fields to investigate fertilizer practices as well as in-field and edge-of field techniques that show promise for reducing nutrient runoff,...

The Illinois Soybean Association hosted two Better Beans Series events in the northern and northwestern parts of the state. Better Beans came to Polo on January 30 in partnership with Pearl City Elevator and then hit Mendota on January 31 in partnership with Northern Partners Cooperative (NPC). The local events drew over 200 attendees, industry experts and exhibitors. The programming was excellent, tailored to the needs and challenges of...
